
Admission rules of academic year 2024 – 2025

Documents required upon enrolment

    • Enrolment will be confirmed upon space availability.

    • Parents/ Guardians will be requested to:
        • Submit completed “student information form.

        • Copy of studnet’s passport.

        • Birth certificate.

        • Last progress report from previous school (only required for Prep and Grade level registrations).

        • Signed letter of understanding of RBIS policies and Procedures

Entry Level Assessment

Entry-level assessment is required for students to be admitted at all class levels.  Assessment should be scheduled following student registration and submission of all required documents. Assessment can be conducted by a subject teacher, a teacher of the equivalent level that the student has recently completed or by an admin staff assigned to conduct student evaluation. Depending on the grade level, assessment might take from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

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